Message from the President of Qom University of Technology on the Occasion of Government Week

 According to the public relations office of the university, Dr. Rezai Nour, President of Qom Industrial University, commemorated Government Week in a message.
The text of this message is as follows:
In the name of God
The first week of September, named in memory of the esteemed martyrs "Rajaei" and "Bahonar," is designated as Government Week, providing an opportunity to reflect on the path, methods, and character of these noble individuals in their sincere and devoted service to the people.
Undoubtedly, in a year honored by the Supreme Leader, "May His Shadow Last," as the year of curbing inflation and boosting production, all officials and managers must strive with greater unity and sympathy with the people to take significant steps in enhancing our beloved Iran by controlling inflation and increasing production. Moreover, universities and scientific and research centers should act as a strong arm alongside industrialists and producers to witness greater self-sufficiency for our beloved Iran.
I extend my respect and remembrance to the martyrs of the esteemed government, especially martyrs Rajaei and Bahonar, and I pray for the continuous success of government officials in serving the people and realizing the ideals of the sacred system of the Islamic Republic of Iran from the grace of God Almighty.